What Was Your First Car?

If your first car wasn't your DREAM car, you're in the majority. According to a new survey, most of us had something that basically just got us from Point A to Point B . . .

Only 17% of us had a first car that was brand new. 83% had a used car. And 23% of teenagers today get a hand-me-down from a relative.

56% of drivers got their first set of wheels before they turned 18 . . . 23% were between 19 and 21 . . . everyone else was older than that.

If you were born after 1980, your first car was most likely a Chevy. The rest of the top five first cars for millennials are Honda, Toyota, Ford, and Nissan.

If you were born between 1960 and 1980, you most likely had a Ford, followed by Chevy, Toyota, Dodge, and Pontiac.

And for Baby Boomers, the top five were Ford, Chevy, Volkswagen, Plymouth, and Toyota.

Also, 76% of kids between 15 and 17 think they're ready to have their own car, and understand the costs that come with it. But 86% also said they expect their PARENTS to help pay for things like gas and insurance. (CarGurus.com / PR Newswire)

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