Dry Eyes Because of This?

If you wear contact lenses and you've ever forgotten to take them out before you fell asleep, you know the feeling of waking up to PAINFULLY dry eyes. So I'm not sure how this woman could even function.

A 67-year-old woman went to her optometrist in Solihull, England back in November to have cataract surgery, and she told her doctor she had really dry eyes. And during the exam, the doctor figured out why.

The woman had 27 LOST CONTACTS stuck in her eye socket.

The doctor couldn't believe it was even possible to have that many lenses stuck behind an eye. And when she removed all of them, guess what? . . . the woman said she felt a lot better.

A report about this case was just released in the "British Medical Journal". And the doctor says it's a reminder to get regular eye doctor appointments . . . because you never know what they might find. (AOP)

Photo courtesy of health-niche.com

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